Guangming Jiang

Information from Guangming Guangming is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines. Summary of the experiences and competences of Guangming I was awarded my PhD in Environmental Engineering at The University of Queensland, Australia. Also, […]
Anette Alsted Rasmussen

Information from Anette Alsted Anette Alsted is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines. Summary of the experiences and competences of Anette Alsted Anette Alsted Rasmussen is a specialist in corrosion and surface technology with […]
László Péter

László is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines. Summary of the experiences and competences of László I am primarily an electrochemist also delaing with corrosion studies and scanning electron microscopy. I am keen on […]
Bo Højris

Bo is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines. Summary of the experiences and competences of Bo I have been working on interfacial problems within materials, microbiology and environment since the start of my Ph.D. […]
Uroš Trdan

Uroš is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines. Summary of the experiences and competences of Uroš Uroš Trdan joined the Department of Materials Science and Technology at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of […]
Alina Sionkowska
Alina is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines. Summary of the experiences and competences of Alina Prof. Alina Sionkowska is a polymer and biopolymer scientist who obtained her Ph.D. from Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, […]

Marc is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines. Summary of the experiences and competences of Marc I am an Assistant Professor in Physic at LaSIE laboratory in La Rochelle University. I started my PhD […]
Alexandros Stratakos

Alexandros is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines. Summary of the experiences and competences of Alexandros I lead a research group that is focused on the development of novel antimicrobial strategies against different microorganisms, […]
Andreas Erbe
Andreas is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines. Summary of the experiences and competences of Andreas Educated as physical interface chemist, I work as professor of corrosion and interface chemistry at NTNU, the Norwegian […]
Judit Knisz

Judit is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines. Summary of the experiences and competences of Judit Judit Knisz has earned her PhD in biology in 2010. She currently works as a senior research scientist […]