Marc is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines.

Summary of the experiences and competences of Marc

I am an Assistant Professor in Physic at LaSIE laboratory in La Rochelle University. I started my PhD in Physical Sciences in 1991 at « Laboratoire de Spectrométrie Physique » from Grenoble University. I worked on “molecular recognition in paramagnetic ionic solution by nuclear relaxation” and on diffusion measurements by NMR in solid polymer. I joined in 1995 La Rochelle University in the corrosion laboratory LaSIE to start my research in marine corrosion and cathodic protection in collaboration with the LISE laboratory from Pierre et Marie Curie University – Paris. With Pr. Philippe Refait, I became a specialist in the rust layer analysis by micro-Raman spectroscopy and XRD. I defended my accreditation to supervise research (HDR) in 2010 on the “oxidation process of iron”.
I am also a project leader of ANR project (5M€) on the formation of calcareous agglomerate (Ecocorail) by cathodic protection as a solution against coastal erosion and depollution in collaboration with 4 groups in Caen University, New Caledonia University in the pacific and the company Géocorail SAS. I developed also collaborations with University of Tunis El-Manar, University of Béjaia in Algeria, University of Leister in GB and University of Johannesburg in South Africa, advising several PhDs. As expert in Raman spectroscopy, I worked for many companies as Arcelor Mital, Michelin, Naval Group, Corrodys…
I am co-author of more than 100-refereed publications and 3 book-chapters.
I’m working on MIC with microbiologists colleagues since 2009 and on marine biocalcifying bacteria since 2019.
Since 2021, I am also president of Biodegradation of materials commission from the French national corrosion association. Co-organizer of Biocorrosion formation for industrials and academics members.

Looking for help? Marc can help you with the following items

– Offer my expertise in corrosion layer analysis and on corrosion mechanisms by Raman spectroscopy and XRD analysis.
– Open to collaboration on MIC and experiments set-up.
– Give you access to different marine in-situ expositions sites (experimental platforms in La Rochelle ports – permanent and tidal immersion)
– Find French contacts working on MIC via our French National Corrosion Association (CEFRACOR –

Contact details

LaSIE – La Rochelle University

Avenue Michel Crépeau




Further details