Luciana is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines.
Summary of the experiences and competences of Luciana
Luciana Gomes is currently a Senior Researcher of the Biotechnology group of LEPABE (Laboratory for Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy) and an Assistant Professor at FEUP (Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto) in Portugal.
Her research interests include antibiofilm and antimicrobial surfaces for industrial, marine, and biomedical settings. This field of research requires extensive knowledge of the setup and operation of biofilm reactors (flow cells and microplates with characterised hydrodynamics) and advanced techniques such as OP, AFM, SEM-EDS, epifluorescence microscopy, and CLSM for the characterisation of surfaces and biofilms. Luciana Gomes is a proficient user of all these techniques.
Major research topics:
• Industrial biofilms
• Biofilm reactors
• Biofilm characterization
• Bacterial adhesion on modified surfaces
She is a team member of the EU-funded SurfSAFE project (Surface modification to increase microbial SAFEty in the food industry; Grant agreement ID: 952471), and the PI and Co-PI of the nationally funded BacAllFree (Controlling bacteria and allergen contamination in the food industry using biomimetic surfaces; ref. 2022.05314.PTDC) and NanoCAT projects (Using modified carbon nanotubes to prevent biofilm formation in urinary catheters and stents; ref. PTDC/CTM-COM/4844/2020), respectively.
Looking for help? Luciana can help you with the following items
– Expertise in applied microbiology, biological reactors, and materials characterisation
– Writing project proposals and scientific articles
– Supervising students on bachelor, master, and PhD levels
– Experienced with laboratory work
Contact details
LEPABE – Laboratory for Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias s/n