Information from Pierangela
Pierangela is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines.
Summary of the experiences and competences of Pierangela
I use to manage and carry out researches on microbial corrosion for long time and in collaboration with several research teams. I am chairing the Wortking party “Micorbial corrosion” of teh European Federation of Corrosion.
Looking for help? Pierangela can help you with the following items
Mainly in tranferring my knowledge on MIC (and other bioelectrochemical systems) to other specialists and young researchers. Continuing researches on MIC. Starting new cooperative projects. Actracting new corrosion researcher to this topic, etc.
My expertise mainly focuses in monitoring biofilm and MIC. I developed the BIOX system (an electrochemical probe to monitor biofilm in cooling waters). Currently, I am still developing and using integrated electrochemical systems for environments other than seawater, such as fresh water, drinking, seawater, soil and underground.
I am performing test and new tools to study MIC mechanisms at laboratory levem with single strains or mixed pools. In our lab we can perform almost all type of surface characterization and elecgtrochemical tests.
Contact details
RSE-Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico S.p.A
v. Rubattino 54
Further details
I warmly invite you all to partecipate activelly and numerously at Eurocorr conference to our Session “Microbial corrosion”. The scientific discussion on MIC is very hot every year there!