Eleni is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines.
Summary of the experiences and competences of Eleni
Eleni’s research covers a wide range of topics including fire dynamics, flame spread, façade fires, evacuation, microbial induced corrosion, and climate change effect on catastrophes. Her expertise is primarily in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling of fire. She has applied fundamental combustion science to study a wide range of fire scenarios, façade fires as well as fires in buildings and atrium.
Looking for help? Eleni can help you with the following items
• Bring scientific ideas and concepts into practical solutions.
• Host young career researchers, including post-doctoral fellows and students on PhD, master and bachelor graduation levels.
• Collaborative work and support in developing competitive consortiums for projects.
• Build strong networks with industry and educational institutions.
• Science communication, paper writing and outreach activities.
Contact details
University of Central Lancashire
JBF007, JB Firth Building, Flyde Rd
United Kingdom
Further details
Dr. Eleni Asimakopoulou is a Lecturer in Fire Engineering at the University of Central Lancashire. In the past few years, she has worked as Research Associate in Fire and Materials in FireSERT at Ulster University and in HMCS Lab at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). She has received her diploma in Mechanical Engineering in 2009, MEng in Computational Mechanics in 2011, and PhD from NTUA, in 2016. She is an Associate Fellow with the Institution of Fire Engineers, an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Member of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers, works as an EU expert, with standardization committees and is passionate about fire research.