Information from Rahman
Rahman is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines.
Summary of the experiences and competences of Rahman
Date of birth 25/01/1958 in Seošnica, Rožaje.
• 2002 – Doctor of geographical Sciences – Department of Geography, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana (doctoral thesis: “Influence of Industry on the Development of Tuzla Valley”).
• 1988 – Master of Geographical Sciences – Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb (master thesis: “Industry as factor of Development of Northeast Montenegro”).
• 1984 – Professor of Geography – Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Prishtine
• 2013- Full Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo
• 2008-2013 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo
• 2002-2007 Assistant Professor Department of History and Geography, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Tuzla
• 1997-2002 Senior Teaching Assistant Department of History and Geography, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Tuzla
• 1995-1997 Adviser in Institute of Pedagogy in Zenica
• 1990-1992 Professor of Geography in Zenica
• 1984-1989 Chief of Department of housing affairs in Rožaje
In academic 2015/16 holds following courses on I cycle of study:
Human Geography, Conception and Metodology in Regional and Spatial Planning, Industrial Geography, General Economic Geography, Transport Geography,Economy in Regional and Spatial Planing and Tourism and Economy.
In academic 2015/16 holds following courses on II cycle of study:
Development of geographical concepts in teaching of geography, Risk management in tourism destinations and Planning Documents.
Leader of PhD study group since 2015.
Editor in chief of scientific journal “Geografski pregled” since 2014.
Project Leader for Bosnia and Herzegovina, CEEPUS III network – GEOREGNET 2013 Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo.
Chief of cathedra of Human Geography 2008-2012
1. Nurković, R., i Nurković, S., 1990: Contemporary features of distribution and structure of industry in North East Montenegro, Geografski pregled PMF-a Sarajevo, Geografsko Društvo , Vol. 33-34, YU-ISSN 04533714, p. 60-69.
2. Nurković, R., 1997: Natural Potentials as factor of industrial development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Proceedings of Faculty of Philiosophy, University of Tuzla, ISBN 9958-612-00-3, p. 37-41.
3. Nurković, R., 1998: Blackboard and map in teaching of Geography, Didaktički putokazi, Zenica, vol. 4, p. 94-95.
4. Nurković, R., 2003: Regional Development Issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A case study of Tuzla Valley, Proceedings from International Scientific Conference „Interregional cooperation as basis of sustainable economic development”, Office for development and cooperation of Swiss embassy in Sarajevo, Sarajevo, p. 89-96.
5. Nurković, R., 2003: Influence of Industry on the development of settlements in Tuzla Valley, Proceedings from International Scientific Conference: „Regional Development Issues of Bosnia and Herzegovina and neighbouring countries”, University of Tuzla, Tuzla, p. 191-198.
6. Nurković, R., 2003: Lake Modrac, Journal for Geography, history, ecology and travel, „Meridijani“ vol. 7, Meridijani, Grude, p. 17-18.
7. Nurković, R., 2003: Influence of Industry on the Economic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Proceedings of 3rd Congress of geographers of Republica Macedonia, Macedonian Geographical Society, Faculty of Science, Skopje, p. 283-290.
8. Nurković, R., 2003: Influence of industry on urban development and infrastructure of central settlements in Tuzla Valley, Proceedings of International Conference: „Beograd i njegov region“, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Belgrade, p. 355-364.
9. Nurković, R., 2004: Influence of industry on degradation of environment in Tuzla Valley, Strukovna revija za popularizacijo geografije: „Geografski obzornik“, letnik 52, vol 2, Geographical Society of Slovenia, Ljubljana, p. 14-19.
10. Nurković, R., 2004: Gravitation areas and structure of daily migrations in central settlements of Tuzla Valley, Proceedings, University of Tuzla, Tuzla, p. 173-183.
11. Nurković, R., 2004: Some new forms of regional development and basic relations industry-tourism as example of Tuzla valley, South Eastern European Countries On Their Way To Europe-Geographical Aspects, Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe Sponsored by Germany, Dubrovnik
12. Nurković, R., 2005: Methodology of changes of spatial distribution of industry in Tuzla Valley, Scientific Journal for Geography: „Geografski radovi“ vol 1, University of Tuzla, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Tuzla, p. 126-142.
13. Nurković, R., 2005: Situation and perspective of tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Proceedings from International Symposium: „Serbia and contemporary processes in Europe and world,Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, p. 689-694.
14. Nurković, R., 2005: New features of urbanization in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Proceedings, second year, vol. 2, University of Tuzla, p. 41-51.
15. Kulenović, S. i Nurković, R., 2005: Influence of industry on the changes in agricultural production in Tuzla region on the example of “Vegafruit”, Proceedings of 1st Congress of geographers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Geographical Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, p. 249-256.
16. Nurković, R., 2005: Industry as factor of regional development of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the example of Tuzla Valley, Proceedings of International Scientific Meeting: „ Regional Development Issues of Croatia and neighbouring countries “, Croatian Geographical Society, Zagreb, p. 173-182.
17. Nurković, R., 2006: Emersion, Development and spatial distribution of shopping centres in Tuzla region, Zbornik na trudovi, Naučen simpozium so medjunarodno učestvo: Ruralniot prostor vo novite razvojni uslovi“, vol 1, Univerzitet „Sv. Kiril i Metodij“ – Skopje, Faculty of Science, Institute of Geography, Ohrid, p. 265-274.
18. Nurković, R., 2006: Geographical aspects of development of international trade, Journal of Economy and Transition Politics „Transition“ vol 16, Institute of Economy, Tuzla, p. 127-136.
19. Nurković, R., 2006: Influence of lake tourism in economic development of Tuzla region, Proceedings from International Scientific Symposium: „Tourism as factor of regional development“, University of Tuzla, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Tuzla, p. 215-225.
20. Nurković, R., 2006: Influence of industry on the regional development of Tuzla Valley, Journal for Geography, Geografski vesnik vol 78-1, Geographical Society of Slovenia, Ljubljana, p. 71-78.
21. Nurković, R., 2006: Geographical aspects of development of tourism in North East Bosnia and Herzegovina, Proceedings of International Scientific Meeting: Organization and development of tourism economy in North East Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tourism Association of Tuzla Canton, Tuzla, p. 89-98.
22. Nurković, R., 2007: Spatial mobility of workers and occupational structure of the labour force in industry of Tuzla Valley, Revija za geografijo (Journal for geography) vol 2-3, ISSN 1854-665X, Department of Geography, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Maribor, p. 45-52
23. Nurković, R., 2007: The Brčko District as an Indicator of Differences in Regional Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Glasnik ZRS Koper vol 7, International Scientific Meeting, Spatial restructuring of Slovenia and neighboring countries: advantages for border regions, Universty of Primorska, Science and Research Centre of Koper, p.127-129
24. Nurković, R., 2007: Contemporary bases of road classification and their influence on the regional development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Proceedings of International Scientific Symposium : “Influence of transport on the regional development, ISBN 978-9958-609-52-7 COBISS.BH-ID I6646662, University of Tuzla, Tuzla, p.7-19.
25. Nurković, R., 2008: Socio-Economic Structure as an Indicator of Regional Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina Today, Glasnik ZRS Koper namber 8 2008. UDK 061 64497. 4 Koper (05) ISSN 1318-9131, International Scientific meeting, 1st Conference of geographers of the Upper Adria – Common managment of a borderless area, Universty of Primorska, Science and Research Centre of Koper, p. 67-69
26. Nurković, R., 2008: Socio-Economic development of Tuzla Valley and its regional differentiation and statistical overview, Regional studies in South Eastern Europe: Spatial development in Bosnia and Herzegovina in a comparative perspective, Project in the framework of the academic cooperation with the geographical departments of the Universities of Bamberg, Belgrade, Tirana and Tuzla, funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), Department of Geography, University of Bamberg, p. 25-32
27. Nurković, R., Gekić, H., 2008: Contemporary spatio-functional structure od shopping centres in Sarajevo, Proceedings of 2nd Congress of geographers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-9958-9270-6-5 COBISS.BH-ID 17741318, Geographical Society in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Neum, p. 584-592
28. Nurković, R., 2009: Influence of Tourism on the Regional Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Internacional Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, Volume 2, ISSN 1855-3362, p. 201-215
29. Nurković, R., 2010: Actual changes in economic structure of agricultural production in rural settlements of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Society of Agricultural Economist of Slovenia, „Sodobni izzivi menedžmenta v agroživilstvu“ Konferenca 5; Maribor , ISBN 978-961-91094-5-8, University of Maribor, p. 207-215
30. Nurković, R., 2010: Influence of salt production on development of industry in the Tuzla Valley, Geographcal Institute „Jovan Cvijić“ Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Journal of the Geographical Institute „Jovan Cvijić“ SASA, Belgrade,2010, ISSN:1821-2808, UDC:910/911.3 Vol.60 , p. 47-56
31. Nurković, R., 2010: Influence of Tertiary Activites on Transformation of the Rural Settlements in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Revija za geografijo (Journal for geography) 5-1, 2010. ISSN 1854-665X, UDK 91, Department of Geography, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Maribor, p. 67-75
32. Nurković, R., and Gekić, H., 2010: Influence of tourism on the regional development on the example of Neum in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Problems of Geography, Bulgarian Academy of sciences, ISSN 0204-7209, Institute of Geography, Book 1-2, Sofia, p. 106-111
33. Nurković, R., 2010: Economic‐geographic position and regional problems of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultas Rerum Naturalium (Journal Geographica) 41/1, 2010. ISSN 1212-2157, MK ČR E 18956, p. 51-57
34. Nurković, R., and Jahić H., 2011: Regional Differences and Regional Planning of Economic Activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions (Southeastern Europe) Springer ISBN 978-94-007-01330-4 e-ISBN 978-94007-0131-1 DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-0131-1 Springer, London, p. 185-193
35. Nurković, R., and Gekić, H., 2011: New Spatial Development Processes of Urbanisation of Sarajevo, Centre for Research on Settlements and Urbanism, (Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning Vol. 2, No 2 / 2011), ISSN:2248.2499 ISSN.L:2069.3419 p.109-114
36. Nurković, R., 2011: Contemporary Spatial and Hierarchic Characteristics of Urban System of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 16th International Conference on urban Planning, Regional Development and Infornation Societh REAL CORP 2011, ISBN:978-3-9503110-1-3, Essen, Germanny, p.113-119
37. Nurković, R., 2012: „Urbanization and rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, UGI 2011. Regional Geographic Conference, Santiago Chile (CD-ROM); 26 Local Development
38. Nurković, R., 2012: Geographic Views on Regional Planning and Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina,17th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Infornation Societh REAL CORP 2012 RE-MIXING THE CITY, ISBN: 978-3-9503110-2-0 (CD-ROM); ISBN: 978-3-9503110-3-7 p.1-6 Multiversum Scwechat, Austria.
39. Nurković, R., 2012: Socio-economic transformation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Local and Regional Development –challenges and policy issues (Rural Studies. Vol.27 Warszawa 2012) Committee of rural areas of polish geographical society ISSN 1642-4689, ISBN 978-83-62089-17-8, p.149-161
40. Nurković, R., 2012: Shoping and business centres in Sarajevo, Revija za geografijo (Journal for geography) 7-1, ISSN 1854-665X, UDK 91, Department of Geography, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Maribor, p. 35-47
41. Nurković, R., 2012: Urbanization and Economic development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, From Knowledge to Wisdom, Chinese Business Review, Volume 11. Number 2.2012. David Publishing Company, ISSN 1537-1506 CBSN 270 B 0069, p. 199-206
42. Nurković, R., 2012: Rural space as a product of contemporary economic-geographic development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, IGC COLOGNE 2012. 32 International Geographical Congress, University of Cologen, Institute of Geography, Germany, p.178-179
43. Nurković, R., 2012: Industry in function of development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3rd Congress of geographers of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Geographical Society in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, ISBN 978-9958-9270-7-2, Sarajevo, COBISS.BH-ID 19935750, p.138-149
44. Nurković, R., and Drešković, N., 2013: Urban-Geographic Study of Urban Settlements in Bosnia and Herzegovina As An Element of Area Planning . 3rd International Geography Symposium, Kemer, Antalya – Turkey, ISBN 978-605-62253-7
45. Nurković, R., and Džeko Š., 2013: Selective Development of Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The 3rd International Geography Symposium, Kemer, Antalya – Turkey, ISBN 978-605-62253-7-6
46. Nurković, R.,2013: Influence of tertiary activities on local and rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Academy of Science and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Scientific Conference, Local economic and infrastructure development of SEE in the context of EU accession, Sarajevo, 2013
47. Drešković, N., Nurković, R. 2014: Influence of Transport on Urban and Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, REAL CORP 2014, 19th Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society, Vienna, Austria, 2014
48. Nurković, R.,Mirić, R., 2014: Revitalization Industry Companies in Function of Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Congress of the Turkish Association of Geographers, Mugla, Turkey, ISBN:978-605-86453-3-2, p- 681-689
49. Drešković, N., Nurković, R. 2014: Influence of Economic Activities on Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Congress of the Turkish Association of Geographers, Mugla, Turkey, ISBN:978-605-86453-3-2, p- 918- 927
50. Nurković, R. 2014: Contemporary aspects of spatial and urban planning in the Canton of Sarajevo, EUROGEO Annual Conference, Valletta, Malta
51. Nurković, R. 2014: Influence of industry on changes in rural settlements on example of the ironworks in municipality of Zenica, EURORURAL 14, Brno, Czech Republic, p.25-37
52. Nurković, R., Mirić, R. 2014: Regional Developmental problems of the rural settlements in Bosnia and Herzegovina, EURORURAL 14, Brno, Czech Republic, p.59-65
53. Nurković, R., Drešković, N. 2014: An Urban-Geographic Study of Urban Settlements in Bosnia and Herzegovina as An Element of Area Planning, Tourism, Environement and Ecology in the Mediterranean Region, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, United Kingdom, p.153-162
54. Nurković, R., Džeko, Š. 2014: Development of Selective tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Environement and Ecology in the Mediterranean Region, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, United Kingdom , p.163-174
55. Nurković, R., Džeko, Š. 2014: Rural tourism as factor of development of economic activities in rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book,International Geographical Union Conference 2014, Krakow, Poland, Jagiellonian Universytety Figures on p.24,27-3138,40,41
56. Nurković, R., Mirić, R. 2014: New forms of urbanization and spatial mobility of population of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book, Cities in Globalizing World and Turkey, University Press, Kliment Ohridski,ISBN 978-954-07-3768-3,p.383-409
57. Nurković, R., 2014: Traffic of Sarajevo and other urban areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Symposium “10 Years of EU Eastern Enlargement – The Geographical Balance of a Courageous Step”, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Urban and Regional Research, Vienna, Austria
58. Nurković, R., 2014: Fish ponds as a factor of development in rural areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Revija za geografijo 9-2, Revija za geografijo (Journal for geography) ISSN 1854-665X, UDK 91, Department of Geography, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Maribor, p. 27-35
59. Nurković, R., 2015: The influence of negative climate changes on physical development of urban and rural areas in Bosnia and Herezegovina, International scientific conference Sustainable mountain regions: Make them work, Borovets, Bulgaria
60. Nurković, R., 2015: Tourism and travel industry as factor of economic development in the Canton of Sarajevo, International scientific conference Sustainable mountain regions: Make them work, Borovets, Bulgaria
61. Nurković, R., 2015: Contemporary Development of Creative Industries in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Quaestiones Geographicae 34 (2), Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland
(paper presented on IGU 2014 Conference in Krakow, Poland).
62. Nurković, R., 2015: Contemporary Aspects of spatial and urban planning in the Canton of Sarajevo, European Journal of Geography, Volume 6, No. 1:23-36, EUROGEO.64.
63. Nurković, R., 2015: The influence of negative climate changes on physical development of urban and rural areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sofia University “st. Kliment Ohridski”Bulgarian Academy of sciences International scientific conference proceedings 14-16 May 2015, Borovets, Bulgaria Publisher: Fakel ISBN 978-954-411-220-2, p.72-78
64. Nurković, R.,2015: Tourism and travel industry as a factor of economic development in the Canton of Sarajevo, Sofia University “st. Kliment Ohridski”Bulgarian Academy of sciences International scientific conference proceedings 14-16 May 2015, Borovets, Bulgaria Publisher: Fakel ISBN 978-954-411-220-265, p198-209
65. Nurković, R.,2015: Thermal power plant “Tuzla” as a factor of industry development in the Tuzla Basin, Geographical review number 36 year 2015 scientific journal for geograph,Department of Gography Faculty of science University of Sarajevo ISSN 0435-3714, p.39-51
66. Nurković, R.,2015: The city of Sarajevo as the focal point of the development of spatial planning, Special Editioons, Academy of sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Volume CLXIV, Intrnational Scientific Conference, The place and role of capitals in see (South east Europe)
in the development of interregional and intergovermental coperation within the Danube and Adriatic-Ionian Eurpean macro-region,DOI 10.5644/PI2016-164.00, p.230-248
67. Nurković, R., 2015:Hunting Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of Proceedings, International Tourism and Hospitality Management Conference, Sarajevo. I T H M C,p.41-49
68. Nurković, R., 2016: Geographical aspects of contemporary aviation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Geographical Review No.37, Scientific Journal for Geography, Geographical Society in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Department of Geography Faculty of Science Sarajevo,p.9-35
69. Nurković, R., 2016: Turistic significance of „the Sarajevo film festival“ in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of Proceedings, International Tourism and Hospitality Management Conference, Sarajevo. I T H M C, ISSN 2566-2872,p.197-205
70. Nurković, R., 2016: Viticulture and organic production of wine in rural areas of Bosnia and Herezegovina,Book,IGU Intrnational Scientific Conference,C12.29, Globalizacion,Marginalization, and Regional and Local Reesponnees, Koper,Universty of Primorska, ISBN 978-6984-34-8 CIP-Katoložni zapis o publikaciji.Narodna in univerzitetska knjižnica ,Ljubljana 913(oB2) 33212266(OB)2711.2(Ob2)p.42-43
71. Nurković, R., 2017: Economc structure of Tuzla basin, Geographical Review No.37, Scientific Journal for Geography, Geographical Society in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Department of Geography Faculty of Science Sarajevo,UDK:911.3:338(497.6) ONLINE ISSNE:2303-8950, p.23-36
72. Nurković, R., 2017: Influence of air traffic on economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina and business environment of the European air traffic, International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Infornation Societh REAL CORP 2017 RE-MIXING THE CITY, ISBN: 978-3-9503110-2-6 (CD-ROM); ISBN: 978-3-9504173-3-3-3.Multiversum Scwechat, Austria,htp://, p.271-279
73. Nurković, R., 2017: Influence of industry on development of the Sarajevo city,4th Congress of Geographers, Book of procedings,of Bosnia and Herzegovina,SarjevoISSN 2566-3607,p.150-165
74. Nurković,R.,2017: Geographical distribution of the vineyards and wine production in rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina,FOLIA GEOGRAPHICA, International scientific journal,University of Prešov ISSN 1336-6157(hard copy), ISSN 2454-1001, (online) Volume 59, No. 2, 50–59, (2017),p.50-59
75. Nurković, R.,2018:Urba Planung in Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Infornation Societh REAL CORP 2018 RE-MIXING THE CITY, ISBN: ISBN 978-3-9504173-4-0 (CDROM), ISBN: 978-3-9504173-5-7t) Multiversum Scwechat, Austria, p.705-713
76. Nurković, R.,Rewucki J.,(2018): Ekonomic relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina and islamic countries, FOLIA GEOGRAPHICA, International scientific journal,University of Prešov, Volume 60, No. 2, 49–61, (2018) ISSN 1336-6157 (hard copy), ISSN 2454-1001(online),p.49-61
77. Nurković, R.,2018: Modern Econimic-Geographic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Geography symposium on the 30 th A Universary of Tucaum, Proceedings ISBN: 978-605-136-416-2, (online).p. 1031-1040
78. Nurković R., Derek H.,( 2018): Rural tourism as a meeting ground in Bosnia and Herzegovina Book,Tourism and geopolitics: issues and concepts from Central and Eastern Europe ISBN:9781780647616 DOI: 10.1079/9781780647616.0236,p.236-249
79. Nurković, R., Janusz R.,(2018): Sea and River Ports-Factors of Logistic and Traffic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Geography symposium on the 30 th A Universary of Tucaum, Proceedings ISBN: 978-605-136-416-2, (online) p. 1040-1049
80. Nurković, R.,: (2018): Rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the influence of local communities,International scientific of the Romanian Journal of Geography ,volume 64, (1), 2020, ISSN Printed: 1220- 5311,ISSN: 2285-9675, online,,p.70-143
81. Nurković, R.,:(2019): Modern changes in pellet manufacturing industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina, International scientific journal of the Bulgarian Geographica society, University of Sofija, Volume 41, (2019), ISSN 0375-5924 (Print), ISSN 2682-986X (Online),p.62-66
82. Nurković, R.,: (2020): Stem education in teaching geography in Bosnia and Herzegovina, FOLIA GEOGRAPHICA, International scientific journal,University of Prešov, Volume 60, No. 2, 49–61, (2018) ISSN 1336-6157 (hard copy), ISSN 2454-1001(online),p.127-141
83. Nurković, R.,: (2020): Transformation of old industrial areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina, International scientific of the Romanian Journal of Geography ,volume 64, (1), 2020, ISSN Printed: 1220- 5311,ISSN: 2285-9675, online, p.
84. Nurković R.,: (2020): Influence of new paradigm of rural space development in Bosnia and Herzegovina,International scientific journal,University of Brno ISBN: 978-80-7509-729-3 p. 26-29
85. Nurković R., (2020): The effects of air traffic on the economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina ISBN 9780367533137 Published December 29, 2020 by Routledge,326 Pages 57 B/W Illustrations, /9780367533137
1.Regionalno razvojna problematika Bosne i Hercegovine i susjednih zemalja u procesu približavanja Evropskoj uniji.
Member of organization board and leader of conference
Paper: Uticaj industrije na razvoj naselja i raspored naseljenosti u Tuzlanskoj kotlini
2.Turizam kao faktor regionalnog razvoja. University of Tuzla, 2006.
Member of organization board and leader of conference.
Paper: Uticaj jezerskog turizma u ekonomskom razvoju tuzlanske regije
3.International Scientific Symposium: Uticaj prometa na regionalni razvoj. Izdavač Univerzitet u Tuzli. Tuzla, 2007.
Member of organization board and leader of conference.
Paper: Savremene osnove klasifikacije cesta i njihov uticaj na regionalni razvoj Bosne i Hercegovine
4. 17th Annual Collegium of the IGU Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems-2009, which took place at the University of Maribor, Slovenia,
from July 13– July 18, 2009.
Paper: Influence of Tertiary Activities on Transformation of the Rural Settlements in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
5. Third Global Conference on Economic Geography 2011 Space, Economy and Environment June 28 – July 2, 2011, COEX, Seoul, Republic, Korea
Paper: Urbanization and economical development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
6. 17th International Conference on Urban planning and Regional Development in the Information Society, May 18 – May 20, 2011, Zollverein World Heritage Site, Essen, Germany.
Paper: Contemporary Spatial and Hierarchic Characteristics of Urban System of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
7. IGU-UGI. Regional Conference, International Geographical Union The Israeli National Committee for Geography, Tel Aviv, Israel, July 12 – July 16, 2010, Bridging Diversity in a Globalizing World.
Paper: Socio-economic transformation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
8.UGI 2011. Regional Geographic Conference, United and Integrated with the World, November 14 – November 18, 2011 in Santiago, Chile.
Paper: Urbanization and rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
9.IGC COLOGNE 2012 DOWN TO EARTH, 32nd International Geographical Congress 2012 in Cologne, Germany, August 26 – August 30, 2012.
Paper: Rural space as a product of contemporary economic-geographic development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
10. GEOMED, 2013, The 3rd International Symposium Geography, Kemer, Antalya – Turkey, on June 10 – June 13, 2013.
Paper: Urban-Geographic Study of Urban Settlements in Bosnia and Herzegovina As An Element of Area Planning.
Paper: Selective Development of Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
11.GEOREGNET, The 2nd International Summer School. Changes in Geographical Organisation of Society in Central Eastern Europe: Two Decades After (in cooperation with Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, Palacky University, Olomouc, from August 30 to September 10, 2010).
Paper: Economic‐geographic position and regional problems of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
11.Identifying the Research Basis for Sustainable Development of the Mountain Regions in South- East Europe, April 24 – April 26, 2009, Borovets, Bulgaria.
Paper: Regional Differences and Regional Planning of Economic Activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
12.II Kongres geografa Bosne i Hercegovine, Geografsko društvo Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, 8-11. oktobar, 2008. Neum.
Paper: Savremena prostorno-funkcionalna struktura trgovačkih centara u Sarajevu.
13.V Konferenca Društva agrarnih ekonomistov Slovenije, DAES, „ SODOBNI IZZIVI MENEDŽMENTA V AGROŽIVILSTVU“ Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za kmetiljstvo in biosistemske vede Pivola, 19. marec 2010.
Paper: Actual changes in economic structure of agricultural production in rural settlements of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
14.III Congress of geographers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Geografsko društvo Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, 8-10. oktobar, 2012. Tuzla.
Paper: Industrija u funkciji razvoja Bosne i Hercegovine.
15.LOCAL ECONOMIC AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT OF SEE IN THE CONTEXT OF EU“. Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine, septembar, 2013.Sarajevo.
Paper: Influence of tertiary activities on local and rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
16.REAL CORP 2014: „PLAN IT SMART – Clever Solutions for Smart Cities“ Conference REAL CORP 2014 – 19th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society
Paper: Influence of Transport on Urban and Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
17.International Congress of the Turkish Association of Geographers, Mugla, Turkey, 2014.
Papers: Influence of Economic Activities on Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
Paper:Revitalization Industry Companies in Function of Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
18. EUROGEO Annual Conference, Valletta, Malta, 2014.
Paper: Contemporary aspects of spatial and urban planning in the Canton of Sarajevo
19.IGU 2014 Regional Conference, Cracow, Poland, 18-22 August 2014.
Papers: Rural tourism as factor of development of economic activities in rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
Paper:Development of Creative Industries in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
20. Symposium “10 Years of EU Eastern Enlargement – The Geographical Balance of a Courageous Step”, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Urban and Regional Research, Vienna, Austria, 2014.
Paper: Traffic of Sarajevo and other urban areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
21. Sustainable mountain regions: Make them work, International scientific conference, Borovets, 14-16 May, Bulgaria
Papers: The influence of negative climate changes on physical development of urban and rural areas in Bosnia and Herezegovina
Paper:Tourism and travel industry as factor of economic development in the Canton of Sarajevo
22. Fourth Global Conference on Economic Geography 2015, University of Oxford, Mapping Economies in Transformation, Oxford, 19-23 August 2015
Paper: Economic relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Islamic countries
23. Place and the role of capital cities of SEE (SouthEast Europe) in development of interregional and interstate cooperation within Dunav and Jadran-Ionian macroregion, International Scientific Conferention, Academy of sciences and arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo September 19th 2015
Paper: The City of Sarajevo as the focal point of development of spatial planning
24. International Tourism and Hospitality Management Conference, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science, Sarajevo, 30th September-4th October 2015
Paper: Hunting Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina
25. 4th Congress of Geographers,of Bosnia and Herzegovina,Sarjevo, University,Sarajevo, November-11-19, 2016
Paper: Influence of industry on development of the Sarajevo city
26. IGU Intrnational Scientific Conference,C12.29, Globalizacion,Marginalization, and Regional and Local Reesponnees, Universty of Primorska, Koper,September,1-5,2016
Paper: Viticulture and organic production of wine in rural areas of Bosnia and Herezegovina
27.International the seventh Nordic Geographers Meeting,University Stockholm, June-18-21, 2017
Paper:Viticulture and organic production of wine in rural areas of Bosnia and Herezegovina
28.International the seventh Nordic Geographers Meeting,University Stockholm, June-18-21, 2017
Paper: Economic and geographical factors affecting the urban development of Canton Sarajevo
29.International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Infornation Societh REAL CORP, University Vienna, September-12-14,2017
Paper: Influence of air traffic on economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina and business environment of the European air traffic
30.International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Infornation Societh REAL CORP, University Vienna,, April 4-6, 2018
Paper: Urban Planning in Bosnia and Herzegovina
31. International Geography symposium on the 30 th A Universary of Tucaum,October 3-6,2018
Paper: Modern Econimic-Geographic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina
32. International Geography symposium on the 30 th A Universary of Tucaum,October 3-6,2018
Paper: Sea and River Ports-Factors of Logistic and Traffic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina
33. International Conference Air Transport and Tourismom Venue University of Vienna, Faculty of Law,Top Floor Schottenbastei 10-16 1010,Vienna, September-10-16,2019
Paper:Role and significance of air traffic in function of tourism development in Bosnia and Herzegovina
34. International scientific journal of the Bulgarian Geographica society, University of Sofija, Smart Geography International Conference November, 2-4, 2018
Paper: Modern changes in pellet manufacturing industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina
35.IGU CDES- Mini Conference on Rethinking Economic Geography in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Manufacturing, Entrepreneurship, Employment and Industry 4.0, Budapest, October, 2-4, 2019
Paper: Transformation of old industrial areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina
1.„Structural Analysis of Spatial and Human Sources for Interregional Cooperation in Southeast Europe, Slovenia and Austria“ (projekat br. 1-40-2005 od 17.01.2007. godine. Project coordinator dr. Jernej Zupančič. Project coordinator za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, dr. sci. Rahman Nurković, docent: „Humani resursi u Bosni i Hercegovini“), ASO Ljubljana Sofia – Austrian Scinece and Research Liaison Office.
2.Dr. sci. Rahman Nurković, Assistant Professor, Project leader,: „Regionalna struktura kao element migracione dinamike urbanih regiona u Sloveniji i Bosni i Hercegovini“ (Number: 05-39-5543/06, Mostar, 11.11.2006). Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
3.”Regional studies in South Eastern Europe: Spatial development in Bosnia and Herzegovina in a comparative perspective”, Project Leader Daniel Goler, Project Coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina Dr.Sc. Rahman Nurković. Project in the framework of the academic cooperation with the geographical departments of the Universities of Bamberg, Belgrade, Tirana and Tuzla, funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), Department of Geography, University of Bamberg 2008.
4.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Asociate Professor, Project Leader „Uticaj industrije na regionalni razvoj Slovenije i Bosne i Hercegovine (šifra projekta: BI-BA/80-09-025, 2009. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
5.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Asociate Professor, Project Leader, CEEPUS II network -GEOREGNET 2009. Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo.
6.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, Project Leader, CEEPUS III network mreža-GEOREGNET 2013. Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo.
7.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, Project Leader, Erasmus + programme, Mobility between Department of Geography University of Maribor and Department of Geography University of Sarajevo.
8.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, Project Leader, Erasmus + programme, Mobility between Department of Geography University of Primorska Koper and Department of Geography University of Sarajevo.
9.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, Project Leader, Erasmus + programme, Mobility between Department of Geography Palacky University Olomouc and Department of Geography University of Sarajevo.
10.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, MC Member, COST EU Project, COST Action CA15137, European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities.
11.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, MC Member, COST EU Project, COST Action CA15218, Measuring homelessness in Europe.
12.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, MC Member, COST EU Project, COST Action TU1305, Social Networks and Travel Behavior.
13.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, MC Member, COST EU Project, COST Action TU1408, Air Transport and Regional Development.
14. Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, ENABLE BiH USAID Save the Children STEM Projec, 2017,
15. Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, Projekt German 2017, The spatial dimension of Economic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Policy challenges and potentials”.
University text books:
• Nurković, R., 2006: Economic Geography of the World, University of Tuzla, university textbook, Planjax, Tešanj
• Nurković, R., 2012: Urban Geography of the World, University of Sarajevo, university textbook, Planjax, Tešanj
• Nurković, R., 2013: Rural Geography of the World, University of Sarajevo, university textbook, Planjax, Tešanj
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Industrial geography
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University of Sarajevo
Zmaja od Bosne 35
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
Further details
Name | Rahman Nurković |
Title | Full Professor |
Institution | Faculty of Science University of Sarajevo | | |
Date of birth 25/01/1958 in Seošnica, Rožaje.
In academic 2015/16 holds following courses on I cycle of study: Human Geography, Conception and Metodology in Regional and Spatial Planning, Industrial Geography, General Economic Geography, Transport Geography,Economy in Regional and Spatial Planing and Tourism and Economy.
In academic 2015/16 holds following courses on II cycle of study: Development of geographical concepts in teaching of geography, Risk management in tourism destinations and Planning Documents.
Leader of PhD study group since 2015.
Editor in chief of scientific journal “Geografski pregled” since 2014.
Project Leader for Bosnia and Herzegovina, CEEPUS III network – GEOREGNET 2013 Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo.
Chief of cathedra of Human Geography 2008-2012
Full Professor of Human Geography in 2013.
1. Nurković, R., i Nurković, S., 1990: Contemporary features of distribution and structure of industry in North East Montenegro, Geografski pregled PMF-a Sarajevo, Geografsko Društvo , Vol. 33-34, YU-ISSN 04533714, p. 60-69. 2. Nurković, R., 1997: Natural Potentials as factor of industrial development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Proceedings of Faculty of Philiosophy, University of Tuzla, ISBN 9958-612-00-3, p. 37-41. 3. Nurković, R., 1998: Blackboard and map in teaching of Geography, Didaktički putokazi, Zenica, vol. 4, p. 94-95. 4. Nurković, R., 2003: Regional Development Issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A case study of Tuzla Valley, Proceedings from International Scientific Conference „Interregional cooperation as basis of sustainable economic development”, Office for development and cooperation of Swiss embassy in Sarajevo, Sarajevo, p. 89-96. 5. Nurković, R., 2003: Influence of Industry on the development of settlements in Tuzla Valley, Proceedings from International Scientific Conference: „Regional Development Issues of Bosnia and Herzegovina and neighbouring countries”, University of Tuzla, Tuzla, p. 191-198. 6. Nurković, R., 2003: Lake Modrac, Journal for Geography, history, ecology and travel, „Meridijani“ vol. 7, Meridijani, Grude, p. 17-18. 7. Nurković, R., 2003: Influence of Industry on the Economic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Proceedings of 3rd Congress of geographers of Republica Macedonia, Macedonian Geographical Society, Faculty of Science, Skopje, p. 283-290. 8. Nurković, R., 2003: Influence of industry on urban development and infrastructure of central settlements in Tuzla Valley, Proceedings of International Conference: „Beograd i njegov region“, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Belgrade, p. 355-364. 9. Nurković, R., 2004: Influence of industry on degradation of environment in Tuzla Valley, Strukovna revija za popularizacijo geografije: „Geografski obzornik“, letnik 52, vol 2, Geographical Society of Slovenia, Ljubljana, p. 14-19. 10. Nurković, R., 2004: Gravitation areas and structure of daily migrations in central settlements of Tuzla Valley, Proceedings, University of Tuzla, Tuzla, p. 173-183. 11. Nurković, R., 2004: Some new forms of regional development and basic relations industry-tourism as example of Tuzla valley, South Eastern European Countries On Their Way To Europe-Geographical Aspects, Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe Sponsored by Germany, Dubrovnik 12. Nurković, R., 2005: Methodology of changes of spatial distribution of industry in Tuzla Valley, Scientific Journal for Geography: „Geografski radovi“ vol 1, University of Tuzla, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Tuzla, p. 126-142.
13. Nurković, R., 2005: Situation and perspective of tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Proceedings from International Symposium: „Serbia and contemporary processes in Europe and world,Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, p. 689-694. 14. Nurković, R., 2005: New features of urbanization in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Proceedings, second year, vol. 2, University of Tuzla, p. 41-51. 15. Kulenović, S. i Nurković, R., 2005: Influence of industry on the changes in agricultural production in Tuzla region on the example of “Vegafruit”, Proceedings of 1st Congress of geographers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Geographical Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, p. 249-256. 16. Nurković, R., 2005: Industry as factor of regional development of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the example of Tuzla Valley, Proceedings of International Scientific Meeting: „ Regional Development Issues of Croatia and neighbouring countries “, Croatian Geographical Society, Zagreb, p. 173-182. 17. Nurković, R., 2006: Emersion, Development and spatial distribution of shopping centres in Tuzla region, Zbornik na trudovi, Naučen simpozium so medjunarodno učestvo: Ruralniot prostor vo novite razvojni uslovi“, vol 1, Univerzitet „Sv. Kiril i Metodij“ – Skopje, Faculty of Science, Institute of Geography, Ohrid, p. 265-274. 18. Nurković, R., 2006: Geographical aspects of development of international trade, Journal of Economy and Transition Politics „Transition“ vol 16, Institute of Economy, Tuzla, p. 127-136. 19. Nurković, R., 2006: Influence of lake tourism in economic development of Tuzla region, Proceedings from International Scientific Symposium: „Tourism as factor of regional development“, University of Tuzla, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Tuzla, p. 215-225. 20. Nurković, R., 2006: Influence of industry on the regional development of Tuzla Valley, Journal for Geography, Geografski vesnik vol 78-1, Geographical Society of Slovenia, Ljubljana, p. 71-78. 21. Nurković, R., 2006: Geographical aspects of development of tourism in North East Bosnia and Herzegovina, Proceedings of International Scientific Meeting: Organization and development of tourism economy in North East Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tourism Association of Tuzla Canton, Tuzla, p. 89-98. 22. Nurković, R., 2007: Spatial mobility of workers and occupational structure of the labour force in industry of Tuzla Valley, Revija za geografijo (Journal for geography) vol 2-3, ISSN 1854-665X, Department of Geography, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Maribor, p. 45-52 23. Nurković, R., 2007: The Brčko District as an Indicator of Differences in Regional Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Glasnik ZRS Koper vol 7, International Scientific Meeting, Spatial restructuring of Slovenia and neighboring countries: advantages for border regions, Universty of Primorska, Science and Research Centre of Koper, p.127-129 24. Nurković, R., 2007: Contemporary bases of road classification and their influence on the regional development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Proceedings of International Scientific Symposium : “Influence of transport on the regional development, ISBN 978-9958-609-52-7 COBISS.BH-ID I6646662, University of Tuzla, Tuzla, p.7-19. 25. Nurković, R., 2008: Socio-Economic Structure as an Indicator of Regional Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina Today, Glasnik ZRS Koper namber 8 2008. UDK 061 64497. 4 Koper (05) ISSN 1318-9131, International Scientific meeting, 1st Conference of geographers of the Upper Adria – Common managment of a borderless area, Universty of Primorska, Science and Research Centre of Koper, p. 67-69 26. Nurković, R., 2008: Socio-Economic development of Tuzla Valley and its regional differentiation and statistical overview, Regional studies in South Eastern Europe: Spatial development in Bosnia and Herzegovina in a comparative perspective, Project in the framework of the academic cooperation with the geographical departments of the Universities of Bamberg, Belgrade, Tirana and Tuzla, funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), Department of Geography, University of Bamberg, p. 25-32 27. Nurković, R., Gekić, H., 2008: Contemporary spatio-functional structure od shopping centres in Sarajevo, Proceedings of 2nd Congress of geographers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-9958-9270-6-5 COBISS.BH-ID 17741318, Geographical Society in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Neum, p. 584-592
28. Nurković, R., 2009: Influence of Tourism on the Regional Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Internacional Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, Volume 2, ISSN 1855-3362, p. 201-215 29. Nurković, R., 2010: Actual changes in economic structure of agricultural production in rural settlements of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Society of Agricultural Economist of Slovenia, „Sodobni izzivi menedžmenta v agroživilstvu“ Konferenca 5; Maribor , ISBN 978-961-91094-5-8, University of Maribor, p. 207-215 30. Nurković, R., 2010: Influence of salt production on development of industry in the Tuzla Valley, Geographcal Institute „Jovan Cvijić“ Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Journal of the Geographical Institute „Jovan Cvijić“ SASA, Belgrade,2010, ISSN:1821-2808, UDC:910/911.3 Vol.60 , p. 47-56 31. Nurković, R., 2010: Influence of Tertiary Activites on Transformation of the Rural Settlements in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Revija za geografijo (Journal for geography) 5-1, 2010. ISSN 1854-665X, UDK 91, Department of Geography, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Maribor, p. 67-75 32. Nurković, R., and Gekić, H., 2010: Influence of tourism on the regional development on the example of Neum in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Problems of Geography, Bulgarian Academy of sciences, ISSN 0204-7209, Institute of Geography, Book 1-2, Sofia, p. 106-111 33. Nurković, R., 2010: Economic‐geographic position and regional problems of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultas Rerum Naturalium (Journal Geographica) 41/1, 2010. ISSN 1212-2157, MK ČR E 18956, p. 51-57 34. Nurković, R., and Jahić H., 2011: Regional Differences and Regional Planning of Economic Activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions (Southeastern Europe) Springer ISBN 978-94-007-01330-4 e-ISBN 978-94007-0131-1 DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-0131-1 Springer, London, p. 185-193 35. Nurković, R., and Gekić, H., 2011: New Spatial Development Processes of Urbanisation of Sarajevo, Centre for Research on Settlements and Urbanism, (Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning Vol. 2, No 2 / 2011), ISSN:2248.2499 ISSN.L:2069.3419 p.109-114 36. Nurković, R., 2011: Contemporary Spatial and Hierarchic Characteristics of Urban System of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 16th International Conference on urban Planning, Regional Development and Infornation Societh REAL CORP 2011, ISBN:978-3-9503110-1-3, Essen, Germanny, p.113-119 37. Nurković, R., 2012: „Urbanization and rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, UGI 2011. Regional Geographic Conference, Santiago Chile (CD-ROM); 26 Local Development 38. Nurković, R., 2012: Geographic Views on Regional Planning and Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina,17th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Infornation Societh REAL CORP 2012 RE-MIXING THE CITY, ISBN: 978-3-9503110-2-0 (CD-ROM); ISBN: 978-3-9503110-3-7 p.1-6 Multiversum Scwechat, Austria. 39. Nurković, R., 2012: Socio-economic transformation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Local and Regional Development –challenges and policy issues (Rural Studies. Vol.27 Warszawa 2012) Committee of rural areas of polish geographical society ISSN 1642-4689, ISBN 978-83-62089-17-8, p.149-161 40. Nurković, R., 2012: Shoping and business centres in Sarajevo, Revija za geografijo (Journal for geography) 7-1, ISSN 1854-665X, UDK 91, Department of Geography, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Maribor, p. 35-47 41. Nurković, R., 2012: Urbanization and Economic development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, From Knowledge to Wisdom, Chinese Business Review, Volume 11. Number 2.2012. David Publishing Company, ISSN 1537-1506 CBSN 270 B 0069, p. 199-206 42. Nurković, R., 2012: Rural space as a product of contemporary economic-geographic development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, IGC COLOGNE 2012. 32 International Geographical Congress, University of Cologen, Institute of Geography, Germany, p.178-179 43. Nurković, R., 2012: Industry in function of development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3rd Congress of geographers of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Geographical Society in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, ISBN 978-9958-9270-7-2, Sarajevo, COBISS.BH-ID 19935750, p.138-149
44. Nurković, R., and Drešković, N., 2013: Urban-Geographic Study of Urban Settlements in Bosnia and Herzegovina As An Element of Area Planning . 3rd International Geography Symposium, Kemer, Antalya – Turkey, ISBN 978-605-62253-7 45. Nurković, R., and Džeko Š., 2013: Selective Development of Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The 3rd International Geography Symposium, Kemer, Antalya – Turkey, ISBN 978-605-62253-7-6 46. Nurković, R.,2013: Influence of tertiary activities on local and rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Academy of Science and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Scientific Conference, Local economic and infrastructure development of SEE in the context of EU accession, Sarajevo, 2013 47. Drešković, N., Nurković, R. 2014: Influence of Transport on Urban and Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, REAL CORP 2014, 19th Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society, Vienna, Austria, 2014 48. Nurković, R.,Mirić, R., 2014: Revitalization Industry Companies in Function of Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Congress of the Turkish Association of Geographers, Mugla, Turkey, ISBN:978-605-86453-3-2, p- 681-689 49. Drešković, N., Nurković, R. 2014: Influence of Economic Activities on Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Congress of the Turkish Association of Geographers, Mugla, Turkey, ISBN:978-605-86453-3-2, p- 918- 927 50. Nurković, R. 2014: Contemporary aspects of spatial and urban planning in the Canton of Sarajevo, EUROGEO Annual Conference, Valletta, Malta 51. Nurković, R. 2014: Influence of industry on changes in rural settlements on example of the ironworks in municipality of Zenica, EURORURAL 14, Brno, Czech Republic, p.25-37 52. Nurković, R., Mirić, R. 2014: Regional Developmental problems of the rural settlements in Bosnia and Herzegovina, EURORURAL 14, Brno, Czech Republic, p.59-65 53. Nurković, R., Drešković, N. 2014: An Urban-Geographic Study of Urban Settlements in Bosnia and Herzegovina as An Element of Area Planning, Tourism, Environement and Ecology in the Mediterranean Region, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, United Kingdom, p.153-162 54. Nurković, R., Džeko, Š. 2014: Development of Selective tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Environement and Ecology in the Mediterranean Region, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, United Kingdom , p.163-174 55. Nurković, R., Džeko, Š. 2014: Rural tourism as factor of development of economic activities in rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book,International Geographical Union Conference 2014, Krakow, Poland, Jagiellonian Universytety Figures on p.24,27-3138,40,41 56. Nurković, R., Mirić, R. 2014: New forms of urbanization and spatial mobility of population of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book, Cities in Globalizing World and Turkey, University Press, Kliment Ohridski,ISBN 978-954-07-3768-3,p.383-409 57. Nurković, R., 2014: Traffic of Sarajevo and other urban areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Symposium “10 Years of EU Eastern Enlargement – The Geographical Balance of a Courageous Step”, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Urban and Regional Research, Vienna, Austria 58. Nurković, R., 2014: Fish ponds as a factor of development in rural areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Revija za geografijo 9-2, Revija za geografijo (Journal for geography) ISSN 1854-665X, UDK 91, Department of Geography, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Maribor, p. 27-35 59. Nurković, R., 2015: The influence of negative climate changes on physical development of urban and rural areas in Bosnia and Herezegovina, International scientific conference Sustainable mountain regions: Make them work, Borovets, Bulgaria 60. Nurković, R., 2015: Tourism and travel industry as factor of economic development in the Canton of Sarajevo, International scientific conference Sustainable mountain regions: Make them work, Borovets, Bulgaria 61. Nurković, R., 2015: Contemporary Development of Creative Industries in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Quaestiones Geographicae 34 (2), Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland (paper presented on IGU 2014 Conference in Krakow, Poland). 62. Nurković, R., 2015: Contemporary Aspects of spatial and urban planning in the Canton of Sarajevo, European Journal of Geography, Volume 6, No. 1:23-36, EUROGEO.64.
63. Nurković, R., 2015: The influence of negative climate changes on physical development of urban and rural areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sofia University “st. Kliment Ohridski”Bulgarian Academy of sciences International scientific conference proceedings 14-16 May 2015, Borovets, Bulgaria Publisher: Fakel ISBN 978-954-411-220-2, p.72-78 64. Nurković, R.,2015: Tourism and travel industry as a factor of economic development in the Canton of Sarajevo, Sofia University “st. Kliment Ohridski”Bulgarian Academy of sciences International scientific conference proceedings 14-16 May 2015, Borovets, Bulgaria Publisher: Fakel ISBN 978-954-411-220-265, p198-209 65. Nurković, R.,2015: Thermal power plant “Tuzla” as a factor of industry development in the Tuzla Basin, Geographical review number 36 year 2015 scientific journal for geograph,Department of Gography Faculty of science University of Sarajevo ISSN 0435-3714, p.39-51 66. Nurković, R.,2015: The city of Sarajevo as the focal point of the development of spatial planning, Special Editioons, Academy of sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Volume CLXIV, Intrnational Scientific Conference, The place and role of capitals in see (South east Europe) in the development of interregional and intergovermental coperation within the Danube and Adriatic-Ionian Eurpean macro-region,DOI 10.5644/PI2016-164.00, p.230-248 67. Nurković, R., 2015:Hunting Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of Proceedings, International Tourism and Hospitality Management Conference, Sarajevo. I T H M C,p.41-49 68. Nurković, R., 2016: Geographical aspects of contemporary aviation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Geographical Review No.37, Scientific Journal for Geography, Geographical Society in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Department of Geography Faculty of Science Sarajevo,p.9-35 69. Nurković, R., 2016: Turistic significance of „the Sarajevo film festival“ in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of Proceedings, International Tourism and Hospitality Management Conference, Sarajevo. I T H M C, ISSN 2566-2872,p.197-205 70. Nurković, R., 2016: Viticulture and organic production of wine in rural areas of Bosnia and Herezegovina,Book,IGU Intrnational Scientific Conference,C12.29, Globalizacion,Marginalization, and Regional and Local Reesponnees, Koper,Universty of Primorska, ISBN 978-6984-34-8 CIP-Katoložni zapis o publikaciji.Narodna in univerzitetska knjižnica ,Ljubljana 913(oB2) 33212266(OB)2711.2(Ob2)p.42-43 71. Nurković, R., 2017: Economc structure of Tuzla basin, Geographical Review No.37, Scientific Journal for Geography, Geographical Society in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Department of Geography Faculty of Science Sarajevo,UDK:911.3:338(497.6) ONLINE ISSNE:2303-8950, p.23-36 72. Nurković, R., 2017: Influence of air traffic on economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina and business environment of the European air traffic, International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Infornation Societh REAL CORP 2017 RE-MIXING THE CITY, ISBN: 978-3-9503110-2-6 (CD-ROM); ISBN: 978-3-9504173-3-3-3.Multiversum Scwechat, Austria,htp://, p.271-279 73. Nurković, R., 2017: Influence of industry on development of the Sarajevo city,4th Congress of Geographers, Book of procedings,of Bosnia and Herzegovina,SarjevoISSN 2566-3607,p.150-165 74. Nurković,R.,2017: Geographical distribution of the vineyards and wine production in rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina,FOLIA GEOGRAPHICA, International scientific journal,University of Prešov ISSN 1336-6157(hard copy), ISSN 2454-1001, (online) Volume 59, No. 2, 50–59, (2017),p.50-59 75. Nurković, R.,2018:Urba Planung in Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Infornation Societh REAL CORP 2018 RE-MIXING THE CITY, ISBN: ISBN 978-3-9504173-4-0 (CDROM), ISBN: 978-3-9504173-5-7t) Multiversum Scwechat, Austria, p.705-713 76. Nurković, R.,Rewucki J.,(2018): Ekonomic relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina and islamic countries, FOLIA GEOGRAPHICA, International scientific journal,University of Prešov, Volume 60, No. 2, 49–61, (2018) ISSN 1336-6157 (hard copy), ISSN 2454-1001(online),p.49-61 77. Nurković, R.,2018: Modern Econimic-Geographic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Geography symposium on the 30 th A Universary of Tucaum, Proceedings ISBN: 978-605-136-416-2, (online).p. 1031-1040 78. Nurković R., Derek H.,( 2018): Rural tourism as a meeting ground in Bosnia and Herzegovina Book,Tourism and geopolitics: issues and concepts from Central and Eastern Europe ISBN:9781780647616 DOI: 10.1079/9781780647616.0236,p.236-249 79. Nurković, R., Janusz R.,(2018): Sea and River Ports-Factors of Logistic and Traffic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Geography symposium on the 30 th A Universary of Tucaum, Proceedings ISBN: 978-605-136-416-2, (online) p. 1040-1049 80. Nurković, R.,: (2018): Rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the influence of local communities,International scientific of the Romanian Journal of Geography ,volume 64, (1), 2020, ISSN Printed: 1220- 5311,ISSN: 2285-9675, online,,p.70-143 81. Nurković, R.,:(2019): Modern changes in pellet manufacturing industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina, International scientific journal of the Bulgarian Geographica society, University of Sofija, Volume 41, (2019), ISSN 0375-5924 (Print), ISSN 2682-986X (Online),p.62-66 82. Nurković, R.,: (2020): Stem education in teaching geography in Bosnia and Herzegovina, FOLIA GEOGRAPHICA, International scientific journal,University of Prešov, Volume 60, No. 2, 49–61, (2018) ISSN 1336-6157 (hard copy), ISSN 2454-1001(online),p.127-141 83. Nurković, R.,: (2020): Transformation of old industrial areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina, International scientific of the Romanian Journal of Geography ,volume 64, (1), 2020, ISSN Printed: 1220- 5311,ISSN: 2285-9675, online, p. 84. Nurković R.,: (2020): Influence of new paradigm of rural space development in Bosnia and Herzegovina,International scientific journal,University of Brno ISBN: 978-80-7509-729-3 p. 26-29 85. Nurković R., (2020): The effects of air traffic on the economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina ISBN 9780367533137 Published December 29, 2020 by Routledge,326 Pages 57 B/W Illustrations, /9780367533137
1.Regionalno razvojna problematika Bosne i Hercegovine i susjednih zemalja u procesu približavanja Evropskoj uniji. Member of organization board and leader of conference Paper: Uticaj industrije na razvoj naselja i raspored naseljenosti u Tuzlanskoj kotlini
2.Turizam kao faktor regionalnog razvoja. University of Tuzla, 2006. Member of organization board and leader of conference. Paper: Uticaj jezerskog turizma u ekonomskom razvoju tuzlanske regije
3.International Scientific Symposium: Uticaj prometa na regionalni razvoj. Izdavač Univerzitet u Tuzli. Tuzla, 2007. Member of organization board and leader of conference. Paper: Savremene osnove klasifikacije cesta i njihov uticaj na regionalni razvoj Bosne i Hercegovine
4. 17th Annual Collegium of the IGU Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems-2009, which took place at the University of Maribor, Slovenia, from July 13– July 18, 2009. Paper: Influence of Tertiary Activities on Transformation of the Rural Settlements in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
5. Third Global Conference on Economic Geography 2011 Space, Economy and Environment June 28 – July 2, 2011, COEX, Seoul, Republic, Korea Paper: Urbanization and economical development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
6. 17th International Conference on Urban planning and Regional Development in the Information Society, May 18 – May 20, 2011, Zollverein World Heritage Site, Essen, Germany. Paper: Contemporary Spatial and Hierarchic Characteristics of Urban System of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
7. IGU-UGI. Regional Conference, International Geographical Union The Israeli National Committee for Geography, Tel Aviv, Israel, July 12 – July 16, 2010, Bridging Diversity in a Globalizing World. Paper: Socio-economic transformation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
8.UGI 2011. Regional Geographic Conference, United and Integrated with the World, November 14 – November 18, 2011 in Santiago, Chile. Paper: Urbanization and rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
9.IGC COLOGNE 2012 DOWN TO EARTH, 32nd International Geographical Congress 2012 in Cologne, Germany, August 26 – August 30, 2012. Paper: Rural space as a product of contemporary economic-geographic development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
10. GEOMED, 2013, The 3rd International Symposium Geography, Kemer, Antalya – Turkey, on June 10 – June 13, 2013. Paper: Urban-Geographic Study of Urban Settlements in Bosnia and Herzegovina As An Element of Area Planning. Paper: Selective Development of Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
11.GEOREGNET, The 2nd International Summer School. Changes in Geographical Organisation of Society in Central Eastern Europe: Two Decades After (in cooperation with Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, Palacky University, Olomouc, from August 30 to September 10, 2010). Paper: Economic‐geographic position and regional problems of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
11.Identifying the Research Basis for Sustainable Development of the Mountain Regions in South- East Europe, April 24 – April 26, 2009, Borovets, Bulgaria. Paper: Regional Differences and Regional Planning of Economic Activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
12.II Kongres geografa Bosne i Hercegovine, Geografsko društvo Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, 8-11. oktobar, 2008. Neum. Paper: Savremena prostorno-funkcionalna struktura trgovačkih centara u Sarajevu.
13.V Konferenca Društva agrarnih ekonomistov Slovenije, DAES, „ SODOBNI IZZIVI MENEDŽMENTA V AGROŽIVILSTVU“ Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za kmetiljstvo in biosistemske vede Pivola, 19. marec 2010. Paper: Actual changes in economic structure of agricultural production in rural settlements of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
14.III Congress of geographers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Geografsko društvo Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, 8-10. oktobar, 2012. Tuzla. Paper: Industrija u funkciji razvoja Bosne i Hercegovine.
15.LOCAL ECONOMIC AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT OF SEE IN THE CONTEXT OF EU“. Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine, septembar, 2013.Sarajevo. Paper: Influence of tertiary activities on local and rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
16.REAL CORP 2014: „PLAN IT SMART – Clever Solutions for Smart Cities“ Conference REAL CORP 2014 – 19th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society Paper: Influence of Transport on Urban and Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
17.International Congress of the Turkish Association of Geographers, Mugla, Turkey, 2014. Papers: Influence of Economic Activities on Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Paper:Revitalization Industry Companies in Function of Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
18. EUROGEO Annual Conference, Valletta, Malta, 2014. Paper: Contemporary aspects of spatial and urban planning in the Canton of Sarajevo
19.IGU 2014 Regional Conference, Cracow, Poland, 18-22 August 2014. Papers: Rural tourism as factor of development of economic activities in rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Paper:Development of Creative Industries in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
20. Symposium “10 Years of EU Eastern Enlargement – The Geographical Balance of a Courageous Step”, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Urban and Regional Research, Vienna, Austria, 2014. Paper: Traffic of Sarajevo and other urban areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
21. Sustainable mountain regions: Make them work, International scientific conference, Borovets, 14-16 May, Bulgaria Papers: The influence of negative climate changes on physical development of urban and rural areas in Bosnia and Herezegovina Paper:Tourism and travel industry as factor of economic development in the Canton of Sarajevo
22. Fourth Global Conference on Economic Geography 2015, University of Oxford, Mapping Economies in Transformation, Oxford, 19-23 August 2015 Paper: Economic relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Islamic countries
23. Place and the role of capital cities of SEE (SouthEast Europe) in development of interregional and interstate cooperation within Dunav and Jadran-Ionian macroregion, International Scientific Conferention, Academy of sciences and arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo September 19th 2015 Paper: The City of Sarajevo as the focal point of development of spatial planning
24. International Tourism and Hospitality Management Conference, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science, Sarajevo, 30th September-4th October 2015 Paper: Hunting Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina
25. 4th Congress of Geographers,of Bosnia and Herzegovina,Sarjevo, University,Sarajevo, November-11-19, 2016 Paper: Influence of industry on development of the Sarajevo city
26. IGU Intrnational Scientific Conference,C12.29, Globalizacion,Marginalization, and Regional and Local Reesponnees, Universty of Primorska, Koper,September,1-5,2016 Paper: Viticulture and organic production of wine in rural areas of Bosnia and Herezegovina
27.International the seventh Nordic Geographers Meeting,University Stockholm, June-18-21, 2017 Paper:Viticulture and organic production of wine in rural areas of Bosnia and Herezegovina
28.International the seventh Nordic Geographers Meeting,University Stockholm, June-18-21, 2017 Paper: Economic and geographical factors affecting the urban development of Canton Sarajevo
29.International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Infornation Societh REAL CORP, University Vienna, September-12-14,2017 Paper: Influence of air traffic on economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina and business environment of the European air traffic
30.International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Infornation Societh REAL CORP, University Vienna,, April 4-6, 2018 Paper: Urban Planning in Bosnia and Herzegovina
31. International Geography symposium on the 30 th A Universary of Tucaum,October 3-6,2018 Paper: Modern Econimic-Geographic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina
32. International Geography symposium on the 30 th A Universary of Tucaum,October 3-6,2018 Paper: Sea and River Ports-Factors of Logistic and Traffic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina
33. International Conference Air Transport and Tourismom Venue University of Vienna, Faculty of Law,Top Floor Schottenbastei 10-16 1010,Vienna, September-10-16,2019 Paper:Role and significance of air traffic in function of tourism development in Bosnia and Herzegovina
34. International scientific journal of the Bulgarian Geographica society, University of Sofija, Smart Geography International Conference November, 2-4, 2018 Paper: Modern changes in pellet manufacturing industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina
35.IGU CDES- Mini Conference on Rethinking Economic Geography in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Manufacturing, Entrepreneurship, Employment and Industry 4.0, Budapest, October, 2-4, 2019 Paper: Transformation of old industrial areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina
1.„Structural Analysis of Spatial and Human Sources for Interregional Cooperation in Southeast Europe, Slovenia and Austria“ (projekat br. 1-40-2005 od 17.01.2007. godine. Project coordinator dr. Jernej Zupančič. Project coordinator za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, dr. sci. Rahman Nurković, docent: „Humani resursi u Bosni i Hercegovini“), ASO Ljubljana Sofia – Austrian Scinece and Research Liaison Office.
2.Dr. sci. Rahman Nurković, Assistant Professor, Project leader,: „Regionalna struktura kao element migracione dinamike urbanih regiona u Sloveniji i Bosni i Hercegovini“ (Number: 05-39-5543/06, Mostar, 11.11.2006). Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
3.”Regional studies in South Eastern Europe: Spatial development in Bosnia and Herzegovina in a comparative perspective”, Project Leader Daniel Goler, Project Coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina Dr.Sc. Rahman Nurković. Project in the framework of the academic cooperation with the geographical departments of the Universities of Bamberg, Belgrade, Tirana and Tuzla, funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), Department of Geography, University of Bamberg 2008.
4.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Asociate Professor, Project Leader „Uticaj industrije na regionalni razvoj Slovenije i Bosne i Hercegovine (šifra projekta: BI-BA/80-09-025, 2009. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
5.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Asociate Professor, Project Leader, CEEPUS II network -GEOREGNET 2009. Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo.
6.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, Project Leader, CEEPUS III network mreža-GEOREGNET 2013. Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo.
7.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, Project Leader, Erasmus + programme, Mobility between Department of Geography University of Maribor and Department of Geography University of Sarajevo.
8.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, Project Leader, Erasmus + programme, Mobility between Department of Geography University of Primorska Koper and Department of Geography University of Sarajevo.
9.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, Project Leader, Erasmus + programme, Mobility between Department of Geography Palacky University Olomouc and Department of Geography University of Sarajevo.
10.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, MC Member, COST EU Project, COST Action CA15137, European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities.
11.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, MC Member, COST EU Project, COST Action CA15218, Measuring homelessness in Europe.
12.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, MC Member, COST EU Project, COST Action TU1305, Social Networks and Travel Behavior.
13.Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, MC Member, COST EU Project, COST Action TU1408, Air Transport and Regional Development.
14. Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, ENABLE BiH USAID Save the Children STEM Projec, 2017,
15. Dr. sc. Rahman Nurković, Full Professor, Projekt German 2017, The spatial dimension of Economic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Policy challenges and potentials“.
University text books: · Nurković, R., 2006: Economic Geography of the World, University of Tuzla, university textbook, Planjax, Tešanj · Nurković, R., 2012: Urban Geography of the World, University of Sarajevo, university textbook, Planjax, Tešanj · Nurković, R., 2013: Rural Geography of the World, University of Sarajevo, university textbook, Planjax, Tešanj