Information  from Marc

Marc is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines.

Summary of the experiences and competences of Marc

As a stockholder of the GDE ( and R&D project director, I participate in the company’s strategy with the CEO.
Otherwise, I manage a group of 10 people made up of engineers and PhD whom are focused in two areas: to prepare technical documents to request public financing; R&D project management and research.
In relation with R&D projects, one of our specilities is related with microencapsulation technology. In this sense, we are developing projects to implement it in different applications : paint, textile, cement, etc.
In addition, other of our functions is to promote and manage R&D projects for our customers.
Finally, I am stockholder of a A.I. company called Datision (, an spin-off of GDE and IRI (Industrial & Robotics Institite of UPC-CSIC).

In relation with my education, I am Chemical Industrial Engineer (UPC), Graduated in Food Science & Technology (UAB) and I have a Dregree on Enterprises Direction and Administration (UOC). Besides, I am finishing my PhD in Chemical Engineering wich is related with microencapsulation.

Looking for help? Marc can help you with the following items

I can help other members offering our abilities in relation with:
– Development of R+D projects related with: Finishings, microencapsulation technologies, AI applications, etc.
– Manage of R+D projects
– Request public financing
– Look for strategical partners (Enterprises or Research Centers)


Contact details


c/Colom 562 Nave 1




Further details

I am Chemical Industrial Engineer (UPC), Graduated in Food Science & Technology (UAB) and I have a Degree on Enterprises of Direction and Administration (UOC). At this moment, I am finishing my PhD in Chemical Engineering which is related with microencapsulation technology.

I have almost 10 years of experience as a lecturer in UPC in chemistry area.

I am stockholder of the company GDE ( and the spin-off Datision (

As a R&D Project Director of GDE I manage a group of 10 people in two main areas: to prepare technical documents to request public financing; R&D project management and research.

In relation with R&D projects, one of our specilities is related with microencapsulation technology. In this sense, we are developing projects to implement it in different applications : paint, textile, cement, etc.