Information from Juho
Juho is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines.
Summary of the experiences and competences of Juho
Juho obtained his doctoral degree in the Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry at Abo Akademi University in 2014. After graduating, he has steadily developed his expertise in the field of combustion and high-temperature corrosion chemistry. After visiting Oak Ridge National Laboratory, he currently works at Abo Akademi University as an Academic Research Fellow and a Docent in the field of high-temperature deposit and oxidation chemistry. Furthermore, the applicability of electrochemistry in the corrosion monitoring of surgical instruments has become a part of his research palette. In addition to his own activities, Juho supervises several PhD theses, tries to learn as much as possible about MIC, and strengthens his international research network by being the Vice-Chairman for the EFC Working Party 3: Corrosion by hot gases and combustion products since 2016. In the EURO-MIC community, Juho acts as the national contact point for Finland and the INVESTIGATE Sub-group leader in WG3.
Looking for help? Juho can help you with the following items
Since my own MIC knowledge has just begun to build up, my main contributions at the moment are to support the WGs I’m involved in and to inform companies, stakeholders, and researchers regarding the Euro-MIC activities and how to become a part of them.
Contact details
Abo Akademi University
Henrikinkatu 2