Elsa is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines.
Summary of the experiences and competences of Elsa
Chemical Engineer, PhD, specialized in Materials Science. I have been working as a Process Safety Consultant since 2013, focusing mainly on Explosion Protection, Major Accidents Consequence Modelling, Quantitative Risk Assessments, Bowtie Analyses, HAZOP in various industry sectors. In my studies, I try to incorporate advanced industry standards to help facilities identify and assess corrosion, specially in the context of pipeline integrity management systems, and other major threats and hazards.
Looking for help? Elsa can help you with the following items
Maybe try to find some people from oil & gas industry and laboratories who would be willing to provide feedback and experience
Contact details
42 Ipirou Street, Haidari, Greece