Annie Biwen is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines.

Summary of the experiences and competences of Annie Biwen

Dr. Biwen (Annie) An Stepec (formerly An) received her Ph.D. in Environmental Microbiology from the University of Calgary in 2014. Her dissertation focused on the role of microorganisms in the oil and gas reservoirs at extreme conditions.

From 2017-2022, she joined the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) as a postdoctoral researcher, where her research focused on microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) with the aim to increase interdisciplinary relevance between microbiology, materials science and chemistry.

Besides research, Annie has lectured at the Humboldt University of Berlin on the topic of ‘electroactive’ microorganisms and their role within our society. She is currently leading the Working Group 2 of the Cost-Action Euro-MIC ( She is also part of the organizing committee for ‘Living on Hydrogen’ (together with Dr. Nicole Dopffel) and the International Symposium on Applied Microbiology and Molecular Biology in Oil Systems-ISMOS

Since 2023, she works as a senior researcher in the Norwegian research institute NORCE in Bergen, Norway, and her current research topics includes:

Microbial processes and risks during hydrogen underground storage
Microbiologically influenced corrosion
Microbial processes in soil, water and the subsurface
Microbial processes in extreme environments, particularly high salinity conditions

Looking for help? Annie Biwen can help you with the following items

-Science communication and dissemination
-Organisation of events and outreach activities
-Offer expertise in anaerobic microbiology, applied microbiology, biotechnology, chemistry, corrosion and materials
-Experienced with hands-on field and laboratory work
-Specialist in microbiology and their role in the energy transition landscape
-Supervising students on bachelor, master and PhD level

Contact details

Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE)

Nygårdsgaten 112




Further details

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