Uroš is a member within the Euro-MIC COST framework. This project is funded by the European Union and enables scientists to bridge knowledge and capabilities across countries and disciplines.

Summary of the experiences and competences of Uroš

Uroš Trdan joined the Department of Materials Science and Technology at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana (FME-UL), Slovenia, as an Assistant Professor in 2016. He received his PhD from UL-FME in 2013. During his early career, he participated in many research projects, collaborated with several industrial partners, and served as a visiting Professor at the PIMM laboratorie of Arts et Métiers ParisTech. His research interests include characterization of high-intensity laser interaction with matter, welding and additive technologies, microstructural and mechanical properties, electrochemical corrosion and passivation ability, acoustic emission non-destructive monitoring, residual stresses, etc. He was the mentor or commentor to more than 25 students and is the author of more than 50 scientific and technical publications in the field of Manufacturing and/or Materials Science Technology. He cooperate with several companies and acts as the reviewer for more than 15 journals.

Looking for help? Uroš can help you with the following items

• Materials characterization (microstructural, mechanical, destructve and non-destructive testing)
• Electrochemical corrosion testing (CP, EIS, PS, etc.) and passivation ability
• Severe plastic deformation methods (Laser induced shock waves, etc.)
• Surface integrity and residual stresses (XRD, Hole-drilling, Synchrotron)
• 3D printing with robot (WAAM) and post-processing method
• Wettability and ultra/superhydrophobic development for improving passivity and corrosion resistance
• Conference organization (both technical content and management of events)
• Supervision of bachelor, master and PhD students

Contact details

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana

Aškerčeva 6






Further details