Registration for the COST Conference Workshop on the 26th of August at BAM (Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin) and social events on the 25th/ 27th of August.

Registration for Non-COST members please, use this link

COST Conference: Microbiologically influenced Corrosion

Event location (2022 August 26th, 08:30 -05:25 (CET)):

Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM)
Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin,
Germany House 5, Ludwig-Ehrhard-Saal
08:30-08:40:      Welcome & Introduction (Andrea Koerdt & Torben Lund Skovhus)       
08:40-10:20:   Talks of the Keynote Speaker*

1. Dennis Enning – 
Oil field microorganisms cause highly localized corrosion on inhibited carbon steel

2. Lisa Gieg – 
Reflections on a large-scale MIC project – key outcomes, lessons learned, and ways forward

3. Andreas Erbe –
What is so special about microbially influenced corrosion

4. Rick Eckert –
Best Practices for MIC Diagnosis and Current Gaps  
10:20-10:45:          Coffee Break  
10:45-12:00:     Talks of the Keynote Speaker

5. Elsemiek Croese –
Molecular microbiological methods for detection of MIC

6. Maria Salta –
Biofouling in Marine Industrial Systems and MIC

7. Turid Liengen –
MIC in Equinor-Monitoring, diagnosis and treatment  
13:00-13:50: Offered talks
1. Jan Kuever –
Corrosion of biogas plants caused by microorganisms

2. Julia R. de Rezende-
Control of souring and SRB biofilm formation on steel by a low-cost, environmentally-friendly protein treatment

3. Andre de A. Abilio –
Preliminary results of a new expert system to screen microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) in internal pipeline failures

4. Geert Potters
Microbial corrosion on the hull of a motor yacht: a case study    
13:50-14:30Poster Pitch
1. Liam Jones
Preliminary results of a new expert system to screen microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) in internal pipeline failures

2. Annika Fiskal
Biogeochemical and microbiological characterization of rust biofilms in German waterways

3. Stevan Dimitrijević –
Corrosion parameters of copper and brass (Cu72Zn28) in fermented apricot juice Marta Lima Assessment of the Antibiofilm Performance of Chitosan-Based Surfaces in Marine Environments

4. Marta Lima –
Assessment of the Antibiofilm Performance of Chitosan-Based Surfaces in Marine Environments

5. Andreu Ruiz de la Oliva –
Development of an ECO-friendly PROTECTion to prevent corrosion in structural parts within industry

6. Marco Buccolini
New generation green biodipersants selection for cooling tower treatment

7. Jakob Lykke Stein
Clean Biocide Project: Halophyte Extracts as Natural Corrosion Inhibitors in Water Systems

8. Lydia-Yasmin Sobisch
Sobisch Biocide resistance evolution in sulfate-reducing bacteria mediating microbially influenced corrosion

9. Noelia Losada-Garcia
Novel Nanobiomaterial biocide technology for MIC mitigation      
14:30-14:45: Coffee break  
14:45-16:15:     Workshop Interaction between Industry & academic research
guided by Judit Knisz & Annie An-Stepec  

MIC dissemination guided by Herman de Vries & Matthew Snape

MIC innovations guided by Dennis Enning & Andreas Erbe

16:15-16:30:    Coffee break
16:30-17:15:     Workshop open discussion
  17:15-17:25Closing/End COST Conference
*Preliminary Program

Registration for COST members please, use this link:

1. day Ticket – 25th of August (only for MCs)

2. day ticket – 26th of August (for all WG-Members)

3. day ticket – 27th of August (for all WG-members COST Conference/ Workshop)

Social Events:

25th of August at 7 pm: Buffet at the Sombrero in Berlin ( Buffet + one Cocktail

44 Euro/Person (max. 100 People)

27th of August at 6 pm: Private brewery tour at BRLO ( 90 minutes and consists of a brewery tour (45 minutes) and a tasting of 5 x 0.1l beers, each with a matching small foodpairing (45 minutes)

30 Euro/Person (max. 40 People)